Recognising and releasing holding patterns

An intelligent, multi-layered approach

Pain and stress relief with acupuncture

Bringing balance through bodywork techniques

Conscious meditative bodywork techniques

Pain and stress relief with acupuncture

Pain Relief. Stress Relief. Return To Being You.

Our bodies are storytellers. There is a wisdom in our physical structure which is profound and deep. When we learn to read the stories we hold, we can find our way through our stuck places. Our bodies can show us the way to let go of limiting thought patterns, pain and traumatic pasts.


Private practice

Anwar has worked globally with a wide range of clientele including athletes, Fortune 500 CEO’s, Royalty and public figures


Clinical Experience

bodywork, somatic counselling, acupuncture, meditation and neuro-linguistic programming.


Professional Development

Commitment to continued professional development.  Anwar has trained at a number of institutions and currently holds 20 diplomas

About Anwar

My specialisation is to work with people with whatever they bring, and however they bring it.

What clients bring can come in the form of physical, emotional or spiritual pain. I assist people to carefully unpick holding patterns in mind, body and soul.

Each person is different and I like to meet clients where they are. When we are out of balance it affects all of our experience, the dialogue in our heads, how we inhabit our bodies, and how we relate to the core sense of ourselves. Each of us become un-done in different ways, therefore, our way back to wholeness is also unique.

You may resonate to touch, so bodywork may be your way in, or perhaps somatic awareness is needed, which is the ability to track emotional intensity and to learn to self regulate, or perhaps externalising your thoughts through talking therapy, where we get insight into thought patterns and deeply held beliefs.

Your journey will be unique and I will use a range of muti-disciplinary techniques to help you on your path.

Embodiment Works

Our bodies remember the scars of our past traumas. I will teach you how to identify and release holding patterns in your body in a safe and supported way. Learning to track bodily sensations is integral to completing a healing process.

Is an individualised treatment specifically tailored to each client’s needs, whether that be stress, pain relief, insight or relaxation.  My work allows space for emotional and spiritual expression, so that, you can be fully connected and present in your body.

Unravelling pain in the body is a delicate process, I use a multi-disciplinary approach to re-balance muscles, reduce inflammation and stimulate healing. This includes bodywork, acupuncture and awareness exercises to help release restrictive holding patterns.

Release trauma from your body, Start a new story today.

Being in bodywork for 18 years, I have worked with athletes, body builders, dancers, actors...
Some the most rewarding work I do is working with people who are experiencing CPSTD...
I admit I am obsessed with the somatic approach to therapy. I have been a...
